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concerts & events

Ensemble Proton Bern

  • conductor Matthias Kuhn
  • flute Bettina Berger
  • lupophone Martin Bliggenstorfer
  • clarinet Richard Elliot Haynes
  • harp Vera Schnider
  • piano Coco Schwarz
  • violin Maximilian Haft
  • violoncello Jan-Filip Ťupa

Protonwerk No. 4

Monday 30. March 2015, 7.30 pm

Muggli, Michal R. (*1991)

DICKdünnII UA, com

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Galaz, Pablo (*1983)

Fundamental Particles (2014/15) UA, com

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Garifzyanova, Elvira

Akt ohne Wörter-I (2015) UA, com

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Kwieciński, Andrzej (*1984)

a 6 [+1] (2015) UA, com

lp plays also eh bell part, arp plays in piano only

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Krebs, Tobias (*1993)

primum mobile (2014/15) UA, com

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«Protonwerk» is the platform for contemporary music created by Ensemble Proton Bern. With the support of the foundation Pro Helvetia, Protonwerk is aimed the composers who find themselves at the beginning or in the early stages of their professional career. Those interested can apply to receive a commission to compose a new work for the Protonwerk concert, which takes place within the first few months of each year.
The exceptional element of these commissions is the possibility to employ the newly-developed instruments by Wolf: lupophone (bass oboe) and contraforte (contrabassoon). The selected composers have the opportunity to get to know these instruments and others in collaboration with the musicians.

«Protonwerk» serves not only the extension of the Ensemble repertoire, it offers the composers the framework in which they can work on their music in a professional manner and have it rehearsed and performed by professional musicians. The Protonwerk platform contributes to the diversity and attractiveness of creating contemporary music.

For the 2015 Protonwerk, 95 composers from around the world applied. The selected works guarantee a technically outstanding and diverse programme of music.

Ensemble Proton Bern will be able to be heard for the first time in Schlachthaus Theater, as part of the ongoing collaboration between the Dampfzentrale Bern and Schlachthaus Theater.