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concerts & events

Ensemble Proton Bern

  • flute Bettina Berger
  • oboe Martin Bliggenstorfer
  • clarinet Richard Elliot Haynes
  • bassoon Elise Jacoberger
  • harp Vera Schnider
  • electronic music Coco Schwarz
  • violin Maximilian Haft
  • violoncello Jan-Filip Ťupa

Protonwerk No. 14: Screen & Sound

With art video by Coco Schwarz, Alina Kopytsia, Jana Koshy, Paulius Sliaupa and Moritz Hossli.

Tuesday 22. April 2025, 7.30 pm

Wednesday 21. May 2025, 8.00 pm

Dornier, Severin (*1993)

Neues Werk (2025) UA, com

Vaillancourt, Sébastien (*1988)

CHROMA (2025) UA, com

Müller, Aline Sarah (*2001)

Neues Werk (2025) UA, com

Foresi, Michele (*1988)

dura madre (2025) UA, com

Vervliet, Eveline (*1997)

backdrop (2025) UA, com

Der besondere Probenbesuch
Sat. April 19, 2025, tba.
Camerata Room, PROGR


Since the 7th edition of Protonwerk we have presented a theme-based concert every two years. For the 14th edition we are particularly pleased to delve into the exciting interplay of video art — or art video — and contemporary music. To this end we held two simultaneous calls for entries: one for composition and one for video. The selected composers were then given the opportunity to choose a video from the pool of selected art videos, to which they have composed music, thus,«Screen & Sound».

Protonwerk offers young composers the opportunity to develop their craft and have their their works performed in a professional environment. The close contact between composers and performers is at the heart of the ensemble's work: the musicians offer individual workshops in all phases of the creative process and rehearse the sketches and drafts in the early stages of creation.

We are very much looking forward to being able to present this feast for not only ears, but also eyes.