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concerts & events

Ensemble Proton Bern

  • conductor Matthias Kuhn
  • flute Bettina Berger
  • lupophone Martin Bliggenstorfer
  • clarinet Richard Elliot Haynes
  • contraforte Elise Jacoberger
  • harp Vera Schnider
  • piano Coco Schwarz
  • violin Maximilian Haft
  • violin Corinna Canzian
  • violoncello Jan-Filip Ťupa

ombres lucides

Monday 3. December 2018, 7.30 pm

Tuesday 4. December 2018, 7.30 pm

Dayer, Xavier (*1972)

Hodie mecum eris in paradiso (2018) UA, com

Kompositionsauftrag finanziert durch die Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung.

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Lamb, Catherine (*1982)

Curva Triangulus (2018) UA

World premieres by Catherine Lamb (USA) and Xavier Dayer (CH) accompany us in contemplation during the long dark days of December: music that does not emphasise the search for contour but poetically describes the stranger, more hidden things. They are for example traces of colour (color residua) as Lamb describes one of her pieces, that composers make visible through very soft sounds. An evening spent in the lucidity of shadows…