Bludenzer Tage zeitgemässer Musik
For bass clarinet, cello, piano and 12 music boxes
for 8 performers
19:30h - Introduction with Clara Iannotta, Alexander Moosbrugger, Catherine Lamb, Alessandro Perini and Richard Haynes.
Even now, after Wolfgang Amadeus, Franz, Johann, Gustav etc. etc. etc., Austria is without a doubt a musical nation. We will heed the call of the festival Bludenzer Tage zeitgemässer Musik (Bludenz Contemporary Music Days) and present a programme in beautiful surrounds of Vorarlberg of the latest music by Catherine Lamb and Alexander Moosbrugger, as well as a fresh new piece written expressly for Ensemble Proton Bern by Alessandro Perini, as winner of our Masterclass/Competition for the Bludenzer Tage zeitgemässer Musik.