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Ensemble Proton Bern

  • conductor Matthias Kuhn
  • speaker Thomas Meyer
  • flute Bettina Berger
  • oboe Martin Bliggenstorfer
  • clarinet Richard Elliot Haynes
  • clarinet Nils Kohler
  • bassoon Elise Jacoberger
  • french horn Deepa Goonetilleke
  • trumpet Matthew Conley
  • trombone Jon Roskilly
  • percussion Jens Ruland
  • harp Vera Schnider
  • piano Coco Schwarz
  • piano Yuka Munehisa
  • violin Daniella Strasfogel
  • violin Corinna Canzian
  • viola Corey Worley
  • violoncello Jan-Filip Ťupa
  • double bass Szymon Marciniak

Auguri Furiosi

Monday 2. December 2019, 7.30 pm

Wednesday 4. December 2019, 8.00 pm

Schönberg, Arnold (1874 - 1951)

Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op. 19 (1911)

für KammerEnsemble bearbeitet von Heinz Holliger (2006)

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Schneider, Urs Peter (*1939)

Furien und Eilfen I bis V (2018) UA, com

für zwei bis zehn Instrumente

Thomas Meyer

Klingende Analyse zum Werk «furioso» von Mathias Spahlinger

Spahlinger, Mathias (*1944)

furioso (1991/92)

für Ensemble

It is with fire and passion that we celebrate three important birthdays in 2019: German composer Spahlinger (75), and the Swiss composers Holliger (80) and Schneider (80). The musician Heinz Holliger will appear as a performer in our program: the radically reduced piano pieces, of which Schoenberg wrote five "in one day as if creatively intoxicated", have been arranged for chamber Ensemble.

On the occasion of Urs Peter Schneider's 80th birthday, he is writing something surprising for us. We are curious as to how fiery and lavish it will be. All will be revealed!

"A fury of disappearance" has been used to describe the title work by Spahlinger in the press. It was written in 1991-92 at the request of the WDR Cologne. Spahlinger called it a kind of ‘self-therapy’ because he deliberately manoeuvred himself into a situation in which he was forced to want to compose / to do something he could not justify from the outset. He wanted to oppose the impending process of ‘institutionalisation’ of his composing career that resulted in this fiery and passionate work! New music expert Thomas Meyer will be our guide to the music with one of his now legendary ‘sonic analyses’.